Lesson 1 Mastering Wing Basics on the Beach Beginners Guide to Wingfoiling How-To Video Series

Lesson 1: Mastering Wing Basics on the Beach

We start at the beach with kit setup and orientation. How to inflate the wing and leave it safely. Then we’ll look at parts of the wing, such as the power and neutral handles, Struts, window and leash. Where a lot of people struggle is they take to the water too early, and don’t have…

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Beginners Guide to Winging – How-To Video Series

In this 5 part video series, we’ll take you from zero to hero, starting from the beach to gliding above the water. With tried and tested teaching methods and techniques from foil coach Sam Ross coupled together with clear visuals from our on-water team, we’ll make your learning experience rewarding, simple, and fun.   “What…

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Wingboarding – A Simple Guide to Getting Started

Wingboarding – A Simple Guide to Getting Started will show the 6 basic steps to get you up and riding:   Walk upwind before getting into the water – when you start wingboarding you will tend to blow downwind a little. Start on your knees – this keeps you stable whilst you get the hang…

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Directions in Wingboarding

Knowing what directions are possible on a wingboard will make learning to fly all that much easier. Start on a wide and comfortable board, and try swapping your foot position around when changing directions, stead of tacking with the wing behind you.

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6 Tips to Inflate the FreeWing

Inflating your FreeWing is quick and easy. Follow these  6 tips to inflate the FreeWing:   Unroll the FreeWing completely and make sure the hose clamp is in the open position. Make sure the air valve on the central strut is closed. Close the Screw the base of the valve clockwise into the thread on…

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Tips to Start Wingboarding

START WINGBOARDING 6 Tips to start wingboarding on a paddleboard or a dagger board   Walk upwind before wingboarding. Always walk upwind first because it’s easier to wing board downwind back to your starting point. Start on your knees. Try handle to the FreeWing while kneeling on the board so, you don’t have to worry…

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Learn Wingfoiling Zero to Hero with Zane Schweitzer Starboard FreeWing

Learn Wingfoiling Zero to Hero with Zane Schweitzer

Are you just getting started in the exciting new world of wing sports? In this 10 part instructional video series ‘Learn Wingfoiling Zero to Hero’, Ulltimate Waterman Zane Schweitzer shows you step-by-step to getting started in Wing foiling. This series is brought to you by the Starboard, the world’s leading wing boarding sports brand.  …

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Wingfsurfing How To Wave Ride, Aerial & 360 | Wingboarding Zero to Hero Ep. 6 with Zane Schweitzer

How To Wave Ride, Aerial & 360 on a Wingsurfer

Wingfsurfing How To Wave Ride, Aerial & 360 | Wingboarding Zero to Hero Ep. 6 with Zane Schweitzer:   In this episode of Wingboarding Zero to Hero, Zane Schweitzer takes aerial tricks to the next level. In this episode of wing foiling aerial manoeuvres you will learn some of the more progressive tricks to do…

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Wingsurfing How To Donkey Kick and Backwinding | Wingboarding Zero to Hero Ep 5 with Zane Schweitzer

How To Donkey Kick and Backwind on a Wingsurfer

Wingfsurfing How To Donkey Kick and Backwinding | Wingboarding Zero to Hero Ep 5 with Zane Schweitzer:   In the next episode of Wingboarding Zero to Hero, Zane Schweitzer takes it to the air to show you how to do some of the most popular wing foiling aerial manoeuvres that you’ve probably seen online.  …

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Entering the Water Safely with Wingfoiling Gear | Wingboarding Zero to Hero Ep. 2 with Zane Zchweitzer

Entering the Water Safely with Wingfoiling Gear

Entering the Water Safely with Wingfoiling Gear | Wingboarding Zero to Hero Ep. 2 with Zane Schweitzer:   In the second episode of Wingboarding Zero to Hero, Zane Schweitzer demonstrates how to safely enter the water and get flying.   In this wingboarding tutorial, you will learn: walking to the water with your gear safely…

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Rigging Your Wingfoiling Setup | Wingboarding Zero to Hero Ep. 1 with Zane Schweitzer

How to Rig Your Wingfoiling Setup with Zane Schweitzer

Rigging Your Wingfoiling Setup | Wingboarding Zero to Hero Ep. 1 with Zane Schweitzer:   In the first episode of the 10 part series Wingboarding Zero to Hero, Zane Schweitzer demonstrates how to rig up your wingfoiling setup for first-time riders.   In this wingboarding tutorial, you will learn: how to rig up the hydrofoil…

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How To Attach a Leash to the FreeWing Air

Are you just getting started in Wingfoiling? This short video will demonstrate how to attach a leash to the FreeWing Air. Getting started in Wingfoiling with rider Alvaro Onieva. Videographer And Editor: Samuel Cárdenas Learn more about the FreeWing Air here. A project collab by Starboard x Airush.

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Wing Foiling Safety Tips

LA SEGURIDAD ES LO PRIMERO LA SEGURIDAD ES LO PRIMERO El Wingfoiling es generalmente un deporte seguro, pero sigue siendo un “deporte extremo” y puede ser peligroso si no se siguen algunas reglas básicas. A continuación puedes encontrar nuestros consejos de seguridad de Wing-Foiling para volar con seguridad:   Elija un punto de acceso fácil…

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FreeWing Air Repair Guide

La Guía De Reparación Del FreeWing Podrás usar el kit de reparación que se incluye en el Wing-bag. Tenga en cuenta: si la fuga es muy grande, por favor contacte una tienda experta en reparaciones de cometas. Antes de proceder con cualquier tipo de reparación, es importante seguir los siguientes pasos: Repáralo en un lugar…

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FreeWing Air Maintenance Guide

Guía De Mantenimiento Del FreeWing Air 1. ANTES DE COMENZAR Infle el Wing al nivel de presión recomendado. No arrastre el Wing por el suelo de camino a la playa. No exponga el Wing al sol por más de 15 minutos Compruebe que la válvula de aire principal y la costilla de soporte central estén…

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How To Deflate The FreeWing

Disponga el Wing en un área sin ningún objeto que pueda dañar el producto. Manténgase alejado de rocas pequeñas, vidrios rotos y otros materiales punzantes. Abra el hose-clamp. Para abrir la válvula, empuje la palanca hacia afuera, permitiendo que la abrazadera se abra. Desenrosque la válvula en el sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj…

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How To Attach The Harness Line

Hemos diseñado nuestras wings para ofrecerle la máxima comodidad mientras navega. Los cabos de arnés facilitan su travesía. ¡Te permite poner toda tu energía en trucos y permanecer más tiempo en el agua! Cómo atar correctamente los cabos. Hay dos anillos (A) y (B) en la costilla central. La posición cerca del borde de ataque…

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